I completed another paper model of a character(?) from the Front Mission game series. (The previous one is described in this entry if you haven’t seen it before.) Its name seems to be Blizzaia L.
You can download the PDFs for building it with these links:
I actually finished this model some time ago but just got around to putting up a photo here. My current project is the SD Force Impuse Gundam from this site. (It’s in Korean, so navigation involves a certain amount of guesswork unless you happen to read Korean.) It also seems that the link I purchased the plans from the author but haven’t gotten beyond the first step. It turns out to be rather difficult. All of its joints (shoulders, neck, etc.) move, so building it involves making lots of little paper cylinders that fit inside other little paper cylinders. I think I’m going to have to start from scratch; what I’ve done so far really doesn’t fit together very well. It seems to be easier to make cylinders from a couple layers of regular printer paper than from cardstock, so I’ve re-printed all of the cylinder parts on plain paper and will start afresh with those.
Note that the pages for the Front Mission models, the SD Gundam models from the Korean site, and just about all models created outside of the U.S.A. are formatted for A4 paper. A4 cardstock is next to impossible to find in the U.S.A., thanks to our senseless adherence to archaic measurement systems and obsolete formats. I usually end up importing each page of the model into Photoshop and moving the pieces around so that I can print them on letter-sized cardstock.
Looks quite stunning, well done!
It’s the Blizzia L from Front Mission 4 and seen in Front Mission 5. It’s a piloted mecha of a type known as a “wanzer” (from the Germand “Wanderung Panzer” or “Walking Tank.”) It’s the starting mecha for the 2nd pratagonist of FM4, Darrel Traubel, and is the final form remodel of the Frost series wanzers in FM5.
Very cool, do you know anyway to articulate the joints?
Offhand, no. I think that retrofitting such things to an existing model would be pretty complicated, but I guess you could do it.
Well, I kind of tried adding articulation to my Models. Amazingly, I used, first, paper clips. Then I implanted joints from Yuki’s papercraft to make it articulated, the results are stunning.
Dear sir,
I am a student from Queensland University of Technology of Australia and I am currently working on a group assignment based on Interactive Media. As a representative of my group, I would like to get your permission on using the paper model image in your website, as this image fits into our topic for our assignment really well. The topic that we are working on is based on the “101 ways of reusing papers”.
We assure you that this image will only be use for educational purposes. Please do not hesitate to email us if you wish to have a copy of our completed assignment.
Best Regards,
Rachel Kee
thank you! this is exactly what i’ve been looking for to add to my collection of random paper models ^_^ (P.S. I’m from queensland too, and i start at QUT next year!)
*Drools* thanks for the link and Great Job!!!!
do you have any other type beside the zenith and blizzaia L? i’ve been looking for about 3 month and i cant find any,, i tried to request it to a lot of papermodel master, but no answer yet.. if you have any please let me know,, thnx b4
There is one more that I know of. It is from Front Mission 5 instead of FM 4, and it is called Numsekar. I do not have the links handy but try googling “Numsekar paper model” and you should find links to it.
I started building it recently and it seems to be more difficult than the other two. I’ll post a photo when I finish it, but it will definitely take awhile for me to build it.
Great model
Love the Frost
Massa, muito legal mesmo,gostaria de completar minha coleção, mas estou com dificuldades de encontrar os modelos.
Where\’s the model? Links are dead!
I have no idea. This post is over 15 years old, after all.