I’ve just posted a set of photos of dahlias currently blooming in our yard on my flickr site. I’ll probably add more photos to the set in a week or so; many of them are still opening.
Adam Schabtach's Blog
I’ve just posted a set of photos of dahlias currently blooming in our yard on my flickr site. I’ll probably add more photos to the set in a week or so; many of them are still opening.
Such pretty flowers. I grew up with them, living in a little town with a tradition of pinning a few million on various constructions in an annual flower parade. http://www.bloemencorso-valkenswaard.nl/info/welcome.html
Whoa. 2.5 million dahlias? That’s a lot of dahlias. I clicked around a bit and (despite my inability to read most of the text) found photo galleries here: http://www.bloemencorso-valkenswaard.nl/praktisch/lokatie__tijd.html
and here: http://www.bloemencorso-valkenswaard.nl/achtergronden/historie.html
It’s a pretty cool tradition. Most the flowers get pinned on the day before, right up to the next morning. I’ve helped out with some of the welding on the construction and pinning on flowers when I was a kid. It’s a neighborhood effort, which is great.