I’ve been remiss in tooting my own horn by mentioning that Audio Damage’s latest product, Filterstation, is now available. It’s a dual filter plug-in with 12 different filter types, three routing modes, a tempo-syncable LFO, and an envelope follower. There’s also a dual XY control for sweeping the frequency and/or resonance of either or both filters. Also of note is this is our first plug-in in Steinberg’s VST3 format, along with the usual VST2 and Audio Unit versions. All have both 32- and 64-bit binaries on both Windows and OS X.
The filter types cover all the usual modes and also include some exotic variations, such as emulations of the filters in the Korg MS-20 synthesizer and Moog 914 filter bank, and the filter from one of our very first products, FilterPod. The envelope follower lets Filterstation do a nice imitation of the Mu-Tron III envelope filter, a product that a number of people have suggested we model.
You can listen to audio demos and buy one at the Audio Damage site. It’s yours for the low, low price of $49. Operators are standing by.