We have arrived in Kanazawa. I’m gonna be brief because I have to make a long-distance call just to get a modem connection, and a slow one at that.
We’re bailing out. Tracie is getting worse and the backup antibiotics she brought “for emergency use only” aren’t agreeing with her. Current plan is to head to Kyoto tomorrow AM (as previously planned) and catch a flight the next day. This is assuming that we can get United to change the ticket. I’m having to get on the web just to find out what United’s phone number is because the local numbers are now closed and the only thing printed on our reservations is 1-800-UNITED-1 which is of no freakin’ use in a country that doesn’t print English letters on its telephone keypads. (Yes, how stupid is that of United? Don’t get me started.)
Yeah, it’s a major bummer. Don’t get me started. I have to call United now.